Notas, Portada, Zona Centro, Zona Oriente, Zona Sur

Mexicans enterprising produce the first beer made of whole rice and it is unique in the world


Xoxontla beer. Photo by Máximo Cerdio.


By Yesenia Daniel


Jojutla, Morelos, México; 29th March of 2021. On 1900 Jojutla´s Morelos rice was recognized like the best rice in the world and do not exist another thing more truly that this. Morelo´s state rice is the few products in Mexico that have a certificate of origin guarantee by laboratory and now, small business owners have created the firts beer made of whole rice distinguish it the rest of others that exist in the market.


Recently was presented ‘Xoxontla beer’, made of Jojutla´s whole rice, where on 1830 began rice farming by an soldier called Ricardo Sanchez, He and his family arrived to Jojutla after the Independence war in Mexico, thanks to him Morelos State began an important farming that have reached world renown.


Morelos State is close to Mexico city, in the middle of the country, and Jojutla´s town is in the south side, here predominate hot weather – between february and july temperature is on 95 and 104 grades Fahrenheit -, this hot weather is rewarded with a lot of places for swimming, the south side is known too – furthermore hot weather-, for their water parks, small rivers, one lake and waterway where people refreshing; this characteristics promote a productive ground for the agriculture, specially for rice and suggar cane farming.

A man scare crows in rice fields in Jojutla, Morelos, México. Photo by Máximo Cerdio


On 2012 morelense rice got certificate of origin support of reserchers of the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias (Inifap), with this the consumers have the guarantee of quality and a product unique in the world.


One day, the rice beer creators, Moisés Cruz and Ernesto Monter, tought made a beer of rice but no in the traditional way, and decided make it of whole rice, the result was an double original beer.


The whole rice beer has a golden colour, almost amber; of light body, white foam and refreshing with 4 grades of alcohol, “it is not a beer for get drunk, is for enjoy with Friends and family, it is for feel proud of your town”, says Ernesto Monter.


By the moment the whole rice beer is selling in Morelos State but their creators hope commercialize it outside, even in another countries.


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